Test Structure

  • Two components:
    • -- Listening, Reading & Writing test (pencil-and-paper test)
    • -- Speaking test (interview or machine-recorded)
  • Test takers can choose to register for one or both of the components.
  • The listening test is recorded in standard North American English.
  • Tasks that are similar to those used in the classroom in Taiwan are adopted.
Components Test Time Task Types
Listening / Reading / Writing
(paper-and-pencil test)
Approx. 45 mins e.g., True/False, multiple-choice, matching, word-spelling, short-answer questions
(Interview / machine recorded)
Approx. 10 mins e.g., reading-aloud, storytelling, answering questions

Sample Questions

Listening: True/False ( Each question is played twice. )

Instructions: Look at the picture. Is the sentence correct?If yes, please choose Y. If no, please choose N.


Script:Mary has a toothache.

Listening: Multiple-choice ( Each question is played twice. )

Instructions:You will hear a dialogue and a related question. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the question.

Shown as in candidate’s test booklet
What will Cindy do for Grandma's birthday?
A. Sing a song.
B. Make a card.
C. Buy a cake.


What will Cindy do for Grandma's birthday?

Father:      Cindy, Grandma's birthday is coming. I'm buying a cake for her. How about you?
Daughter:  I'm making a card. I will draw a beautiful picture of Grandma.
Father:      Are you going to sing a song for Grandma, too?
Daughter:  No. A card will do.


Reading: T/F

Instructions:Look at the picture and read each sentence. Is the sentence correct? If yes, please choose Y. If no, please choose N.
1. The girl is taking a picture.
2. There are koalas in the tree.


Key:1. Y; 2. Y

Reading: Multiple-choice

Instructions:Please read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

Where did Yi-shan see the butterflies?
A. At a zoo
B. At a farm
C. At a school




Instructions:This is Chia-chia's diary. Please complete it based on the context and the pictures.


Key:1. station;2. warm;3. hundred

Instructions:Please answer the following question based on Chia-chia’s diary.
Q: Where did Chia-chia go by train?
A: _______________________


Key:She went to Tainan.

Speaking: Storytelling

Instructions for students:Please describe pictures 2 to 4 in one or two sentences each.

Oral examiner reads
These pictures tell a story. It's called Harry and his dog, Lucky. Please look at the first picture.[Pause] Harry is watching TV in the living room. His dog, Lucky, is not happy. Now, you tell the story.


Key:Harry’s mom asks him to walk the dog, but Harry wants to watch TV.
Harry takes Lucky out for a walk. Lucky is very happy now.
Harry tries some free ice cream. He is happy, too.
